Fanfare and Processional Overtures

sanctuary symphony series

Back in the 20th century (do I sound old?), the Gaithers put on an event in the major convention center in downtown Indianapolis for about 30 years called Praise Gathering for Believers. It was a huge event that had around 12,000 attendees. It was a 3 day event that included concerts during the day and a major concert each evening. There were two worship services on Friday and Saturday that included a number of Christian artists performing, plus messages from some great teachers and preachers. 

During the last decade of the conference, I was asked to write an orchestral prelude to begin the day-time worship service on Friday. It included a 40 piece orchestra, plus 30 herald trumpets, plus a 300 voice combined college choir, plus 45 banners with the names of God that would process in during the music. The room was set up 'in the round' so that the stage was in the center and the herald trumpets were in a circle on the stage facing out into the room. Unique banners had been created for the herald trumpets. Talk about powerful! 

I wrote 7 of these overtures over the last 7 years of the event. Each of these fanfare and processionals were based on a classic hymn. The prelude segued directly into the 300 member choir singing another great hymn. The hymn that the choir sang was one of my arrangements as well, so I was able to easily create a segue directly from the overture to the choral presentation.

It would be hard for me to pick a favorite out of all of them, but All Creatures is special since it was the first one I did (1997). It was such a special treat to be able to write something for that event and to be a part of the opening statement for those worship services that were always so powerful.


Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing


Great Is Thy Faithfulness