Easter Celebration

sanctuary symphony series

I have written a number of arrangements focused on our most important day of the year, which is Easter Sunday, the day that Jesus declared to the world that He is truly the son of God and our Savior, the Messiah.  One of these overtures is called “Easter Celebration”.

The music begins with a great bell like statement by Bells, Chimes and Woodwinds over a Bb rhythmic pedal point and bravura brass fanfare into the hymn, "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today."  

This if followed by a softer statement of the verse of "Christ Arose" which crescendos into a Bruckner echo fanfare before majestically stating the hymn, "Alleluia, Alleluia" based on Beethoven’s brilliant 9th symphony melody.  

The final coda is a restatement of the opening bells and brass to a huge climax of victory!  It is truly a celebration of our risen Lord!

This arrangement has been played by many orchestras around the world in celebration of our Risen Lord and King, and is one of my favorites!


All Creatures Of Our God And King