Camp Kirkland Christmas Brass
Back in 1989, Randy Vader, the Director of Gaither Publications, asked me to create a collection of classic Christmas carols for brass ensembles. This was a really busy time for me so I was having to write one or two at a time over a period of several months. Several of them were written while I was staying in a hotel away doing workshops. When we finally had 10 of them done, I flew up to Gaither Studios in Indiana and recorded them with some very fine brass players.
I was (and still am) very pleased with the arrangements in that collection to the point that people have been asking me when I'm going to do a volume 2. I'm really proud of these arrangements and still enjoy playing them myself. People are still buying them today!
Fun fact: I actually put them in a specific order so that the players can choose 3 sequential titles (starting with odd numbers) and create a small suite of carols since they alternate fast/slow/fast. They're actually a bargain for 10 complete arrangements all in one collection.