
benson orchestra series album cover

Majesty was done during a period of years that I was overseeing the production of the Benson Orchestra Series from Brentwood Benson. Each year we would create 4 or 5 orchestra pieces, and it was my job to select the arrangers. Once I had the titles, I would try to imagine an arranger that would fit that title the best, but I found it better to send all of the titles out to the arrangers and let them choose a title.  I always contributed an arrangement as well.

In 2013 all of the arrangers had chosen their titles, and Majesty was the one that was left. I thought about how the song had become a standard in churches, and I wanted to take it some place new and give it energy. 

I thought it would be great to put it in a celtic, 12/8 feel. As I began to write the arrangement, I realized that it was working really well, and indeed it turned out nicely. Every time I get a chance to conduct this arrangement I still really enjoy it. This song is literally performed all around the world today by the Celebration Orchestra on our projects with Global Missions Project


Great Is Thy Faithfulness


Trombone Ensemble Series